Friday, January 20, 2012

One Small Step for Man, One Long Blog Post for Mankind

College is like a compacted urban city bustling with students hoping to achieve their dreams of becoming successful. As a freshman, a student is exposed to new situations and new enviroments that are beneficial to their personal knowledge and experience. A student is expected to create long-lasting friendships and make memories that would last a lifetime. For the most part, college achieves most of these aspects.

In my view, college is more like a jungle with thousands of different species of animals all competing for resources in the same setting. In the wild, animals are expected to find their own source of food, shelter, and provide for their protection against animals. In the academia setting, it's survival of the fittest. I am in a competition with others and myself to achieve my goal of graduating and eventually obtaining my Ph.D in Archaeology. The only way to accomplish this goal is to fight the thousands of animals that are all gathered in this enviroment called college.

Its the first week back and already I'm overwhelmed with the amount of work I have to do for my classes. I know, I know, "Alyx, come on, you're only in introductory courses, it's not supposed to be that challenging." Well, for me, it is. I've always had a difficult time learning and grasping concepts. But I've been successful since starting college. It's the second semester of my freshman year and I'm already looking forward years down the road. The only problem is where I'm going to go with after my undergraduate degree, I still have a bit of thinking to do. For now I have to fight this jungle, taking things one step at a time.

Now, the real quetion, what is the purpose and aim of my blog? As a wannabe archaeologist, lately my thoughts have been forming around questions about everything. Which, I've been told, is the basic proponents of studying archaeology. Originally, this was a 'required' activity of my English class, but when I think about it, this blog may help me understand some things and give me an opportunity to voice my own opinion. The purpose and aim of my blog is to expand my writing and put my thoughts and opinions out for the rest of the world to see.

Furthermore, let the 'scientific' study of my blog begin!


P.S. I love moose. I think they're adorable.

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